Reduce Stress. Increase productivity.
And thrive—even in uncertainty.
The download provides all the stress-relief benefits of meditation without the need to actively focus on staying in a meditative state.
(While listening, you can even have a nap)

Does any of this sound like you?

Overwhelmed by the demands of business or life

Struggling to match the pace of life and work

Running out of patience with family & friends

Unable to achieve “like you used to”

Stressed "to the limit" without a change in sight

Always asked to do more with less

Under constant pressure to succeed

Secretly scared everything will fall apart

How does it work?
Our proprietary technique starts by providing experiential learning in breakout rooms interspersed throughout a session.
This learning prepares you for a final guided relaxation which concentrates the power of your brain’s daydream state, helping the lessons sink in. This is a scientifically proven way of accessing the threshold state between sleep and waking where thought patterns can be changed at their root.
Then, using carefully constructed language, we simply remind your mind that it can accomplish “this” or achieve “that.” In this way, we can naturally, effectively, and scientifically encourage you to be more and do more... Maybe even more than you thought possible.
Unlike meditation, which requires constant attention, our uniquely designed guided relaxations work best when you relax and let your thoughts drift—or even nap!
Schedule a discovery call.

Our Method
Using a unique approach that leverages the power of the subconscious, Liminal Coaching helps produce the changes you and your teams want.
Our method dissolves the subconscious barriers in the mind that hold people back making it more likely they will achieve their business and personal goals.

What We Do For Your Team
Familiarize yourself with one of our workshops by watching this short video.
Only takes 3 minutes.

Address the root cause not just the symptoms to drain anxiety, reduce stress, and advance towards calm clarity.

Turbocharge your efficiency and productivity without adding more stress. Achieve amazing results with less effort.

Fuel your creative power and immerse yourself in insipiration. More ideas in less time, and with less effort.

Sigmund Freud said words and magic were once the same things. At Liminal Coaching, we believe they still are.